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Repairing Versus Replacing Your Windows

Posted 10 December 2015

Window Replacement and Repair Western Springs

Repairing Versus Replacing Your Windows

Old or failing windows can create a predicament. Should you replace them or repair them. While the cost difference between the two options is usually substantial, there are many compelling reasons for either choice. In many cases the decision can be made for you if you understand the benefits of each option. These are the major times to consider window repair or window replacement in Western Springs.

When to Replace

The biggest time that you need to replace over repair is when your windows are single pane. This is an older technique that really falls short when it comes to efficiency. Other signs that your windows are ready for an upgrade are fading furniture, noticeable indoor drafts, leaking water and excessive rot. Before committing to a replacement, it is usually good to consult with a specialist. Most of these conditions can be repaired, but if you are noticing several problems in tandem, then replacement might be a better option.

Just Repair

The most compelling reason to repair over replace is cost. Small air or water leaks can be resolved simply by reapplying sealant or caulk. Another strong reason to keep older windows is to preserve the spirit of the home. Many older or historic houses use window designs, like stained or leaded glass, that are difficult to match. In some cases you can find a new design that will still fit the home, but in most cases replacing traditional windows can lower the value of the home. It can even be cost effective to have a professional restoration over replacement if the value drop is severe enough.

Window replacement in Western Springs can be the smart choice in many cases. Now that you know the warning signs and trade-offs, you are equipped to make an informed decision. When replacement isn’t an option and simple repairs won’t do, then consider window restoration.

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